Transforming Your Relationship: The Power of Consu...

Learn about the benefits of a Consultative relationship and the 5 steps you need to take when migrating from a transactional relationship to a consultative one.  It’s worth it! You are likely to have some client relationships that are always

How can I ensure my team engages with the Blu-J Pl...

One of the most common questions I get asked when presenting Blu-J to prospective clients is… How can I ensure my team engages with the Blu-J Platform and get the most value from it? This question is normally a trigger

7 reasons why storytelling works in business.

It’s simply not enough to have a product or service that just solves a problem. To resonate more with audiences, you need to go one step further and do what humans do as part of their daily communication – tell

5 common content problems and how to deal with the...

Our experience working with companies to capture content and use it to showcase the cool things they do has allowed us to identify some common challenges people like leaders, bid writers, marketers, and account managers grapple with, trying to get

8 signs you are not getting the most from your Val...

If you don’t know what Value-telling Content is and if you should be getting more from it, then let me share a quick insight. Value-telling Content is all the great stuff you, like how you ‘wowed’ a client, went above

4 things you need to simplify the capture of Value...

Sometimes opportunities are missed because it may feel like the wrong time, or you have conflicting priorities or some other barrier.  Sadly, these excuses may turn out to be costly.  This can lead to procrastination, delays, and an overly complicated

I’m Jay and I’m a Blu-J subscriber.

Hiya, I’m Jay and I’m a Blu-J subscriber… I run my own business and have a great leadership team, but we used to waste so much time hunting for our success stories and evidence of the cool stuff we did,

The power of Envy

Envy is a powerful emotion.  It is also the most misunderstood.  Emotions like Envy aren’t the interior décor of our mind, they are tools, like a screwdriver. A motivational too.  Envy is a great motivator, helping people go the extra

The Benefits of having Goals

How often do you set goals? How often do you revisit your list? We all know that setting goals are important, but we often don’t realize how important they are as we continue to move through life.  Goal setting does

Why are Groups so important?

There is a serious amount of power that can be unleashed from collaboration, surrounding yourself with like-minded people, and feeling part of a community.  Whether you are a leadership team, a colleague, a job-seeker, a single parent, or a grieving