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The Benefits of having Goals

How often do you set goals? How often do you revisit your list? We all know that setting goals are important, but we often don’t realize how important they are as we continue to move through life.  Goal setting does

The Relationship Between Features, Benefits &...

People often confuse features, primarily benefits and value. Salespeople talk about their “value proposition” and then list the features and benefits of the product they are selling. In my mind, there is a very distinct difference between the three and

Manifesting your way to a High Persuasive Performa...

Manifesting! A bit fluffy that, right? Wrong! So, can you think your way to a High Persuasive Performance? Nope! I was having a morning coffee and I remembered I was expecting some post. Minutes afterwards the postman pushed today’s post

WTF is Value-telling Content and why should you ca...

Let me start with why you should care?  Here’s the hook – Having spent 20 years grinding it out, hustling, trying to deliver highly persuasive performances to win decisions, like securing promotions, getting buy-in from hard to please clients, achieving a

What are Win Themes?

An obvious mistake most people make when trying to persuade someone is that they make it about themselves and not about the person they are trying to convince. Too few people find out what is really important to the person

Why is Value-telling Content so important?

We love a bit of history here and like to pay homage to Aristotle who wrote one of the greatest books ever written on persuasion. It is called Rhetoric. He wrote that you need 3 things to persuade someone and

5 Simple, yet powerful hacks you can use to win mo...

Some days, winning the decisions you deserve might seem like a faraway dream. But, if you implement the right strategies, you can get there far sooner than you think. We’ve outlined 5 simple, tried-and-tested techniques you can use to inspire,

The 4 Most Common Mistakes Made When Trying To Win...

Sadly, when it comes to delivering a High Persuasive Performance and winning decisions, too many people make simple mistakes which cost them dearly. If you’re not careful, you could follow in their footsteps and end up falling well short of

Why you don’t need to tolerate cynical peopl...

Far and away the most common challenge people who are trying to persuade a decision-maker will face is convincing a cynic. There is solid evidence that, on average, people are quite cynical. Interesting, in one experiment people honoured the trust