More and more companies are joining forces in joint ventures or simply working closer together in a partnership to enjoy the benefits collaborative working can bring. The relationships between clients and suppliers is also changing with more examples of integrated or consultative alliance and not the traditional parent, child relationship.

This creates the need for information to flow seamlessly between all parties and their individual systems, processes and culture can be a blocker. We believe that our Blu-J App is a great conduit to allow different companies, even departments to bridge a gap and share great examples of the things that can be achieved, especially when united in a common goal.

How to apply the App?

The Blu-J App can be used to record a joined-up solution to a challenge that would not have been possible outside of a partnership. It is a great way for suppliers to share positive actions, lessons learnt or even compliance with a client’s need, like how the supply chain is driving down emissions on a project or bring social value to a community.

The Conversion

The great Value-telling Content that is captured from a partnership can then be turned into a range of compelling collateral like a Case Study of how collaborative working has brought benefits to a client. The Value-telling Content could be converted into a Performance Review or a Presentation to celebrate how supply chain partners have united in order to get further buy-in from Stakeholders. It could even be turned into Marketing Collateral, where clients work closely with Marketing Agencies to create captivating Blogs and other Social Media content.