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Get started with our beautifully designed, easy to use and highly powerful Blu-J App, jam packed with useful functions to help Create Content that Converts, FREE for 14 days. We are so confident the Blu-J App will make a difference, we are prepared to back ourselves and provide a Blu-J Guarantee. If you are unable to improve your persuasive performance within the FREE trial period, we will give you access to the Blu-J App for free for a whole year worth £300. What have you got to lose? It’s better than risk free! Let’s face it. You can have the Blu-J App for less than 50p per day! We will even let you pay monthly or in one lump sum to make your life a bit easier, whatever suits you? Start Now



Our most popular plan

£30 / mo
  • 50 Win Themes
  • Unlimited Content Entries
  • 10 Groups
  • 50 Objectives
  • 50 Rewards
  • 100 Decision Makers
  • 20GB Storage Capacity
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All of the tools to win

  • Unlimited Win Themes
  • Unlimited Content Entries
  • Unlimited Groups
  • Unlimited Objectives
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Implementation Support
  • Custom API's
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Our most popular plan

£300 / year
  • 50 Win Themes
  • Unlimited Content Entries
  • 10 Groups
  • 50 Objectives
  • 50 Rewards
  • 100 Decision Makers
  • 20GB Storage Capacity
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All of the tools to win

  • Unlimited Win Themes
  • Unlimited Content Entries
  • Unlimited Groups
  • Unlimited Objectives
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Implementation Support
  • Custom API's
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Don’t Panic Mr. Mainwaring

Don’t worry, you won’t be alone. Our experts will show you some tricks, hacks and tips on how to become instantly more persuasive, deliver High Persuasive Performances that will win you the big decision you deserve in a FREE Strategy Session. We will help you identify the best way to implement the Application and use it so you get maximum value. As soon as you register to give it a go, we will be in touch. Start Now

We are never far away

All Blu-J subscribers get a lot of free stuff and access to expert support. We commission a lot of insightful research and developing perceptive content for our clients. You will get access to it in the form of blogs, hints, tips and advice via Notifications and emails from our experts. You get access to our Learning Centre that is also full of ideas and on-line training on how to get the most from the Blu-J App features. There are more free giveaways on our Socials and in our Blu-J Journal. You can join our social media community and sign-up to our Journal, giving you access to some thought-provoking culture, interesting insights and inspirational snippets on all things positive, persuasive and decision winning.

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Simply Follow Our Value-telling Blu-print To Success & You’ll Avoid Costly Lessons!

Getting the decisions you want can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to. We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our step-by-step Value-telling blu-print and you’ll be delivering highly persuasive performances in no time.
You won’t just save time and money either. When you follow our advice closely, you also reduce uncertainty and emotional exposure.

95% of Persuasive Efforts Will Never Get The Intended Outcome Without The Right Help

Sadly, so many professionals will never achieve their persuasive goals. It’s not their fault, they just haven’t been taught the right way to achieve the decisions they want. 95% of failed persuasive efforts is because the Content was anecdotal and value was not conveyed effectively. It doesn’t have to be this way for you though. We can show you exactly what we did to capture compelling content and how our clients were able to do the same, using the same strategies. Claim your FREE 30-Minute Consultation with one of our experts who will share the roadmap to delivering a High Persuasive Performance, using our tried and tested Value-telling Blu-print worth £500.
Free Consultation

Value-telling Blu-Print

If you are looking for something more consultative and wanted more in depth access to some experts, then our Value-telling Blu-print may be for you.

Our proven Value-telling Blu-print strategies we’ve used to win countless decisions are available at a discounted rate. You can sign-up for the full 12 stage process or pick what parts of the process require the most support and attention, allowing for bespoke campaigns to be created.

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