The Relationship Between Features, Benefits &...

People often confuse features, primarily benefits and value. Salespeople talk about their “value proposition” and then list the features and benefits of the product they are selling. In my mind, there is a very distinct difference between the three and

The 3 Biggest Enemies of Success You Can Beat

Before we jump straight into the 3 biggest enemies to success, we should check in with the ‘how to beat them part’. One of the key ingredients to beating these enemies this is awareness, but critically what does success mean

Manifesting your way to a High Persuasive Performa...

Manifesting! A bit fluffy that, right? Wrong! So, can you think your way to a High Persuasive Performance? Nope! I was having a morning coffee and I remembered I was expecting some post. Minutes afterwards the postman pushed today’s post

WTF is Value-telling Content and why should you ca...

Let me start with why you should care?  Here’s the hook – Having spent 20 years grinding it out, hustling, trying to deliver highly persuasive performances to win decisions, like securing promotions, getting buy-in from hard to please clients, achieving a