Manifesting! A bit fluffy that, right?


So, can you think your way to a High Persuasive Performance?


I was having a morning coffee and I remembered I was expecting some post. Minutes afterwards the postman pushed today’s post through my letterbox…it was the letter I was waiting for.  Wow – was this manifestation?


If this is your perspective on Manifesting.  You’ve got this really wrong.

Now, if you are anything like me, anecdotal, generic stuff doesn’t work. I need facts, science, and measurement to convince me. The good news is, Manifestation is backed by science, so I get it, I buy it, I’m in.

Lend me your mind for 5 minutes and I will share how Manifesting can help you identify Value-telling Content and deliver a High Persuasive Performance.

Firstly, let’s deal with the myth that Manifestation is thinking yourself to success.  Saying things like “I’m manifesting my exams”, “I’m manifesting my team to win” or “I’m manifesting a lottery win” is bullshit.

That doesn’t work.

Manifesting is using the power of your mind to change and create the reality you experience by turning on your subconscious.

So what does this mean?

OK, so here is the Neuroscience bit.  There is Quantum Physics on the law of attraction, vibrating atoms and all that good stuff, but I’m not the guy to share an insight into this, as I don’t know more than I’ve read.  However, I know a thing or two about Neuroscience and how the brain works.

The Neuroscience bit is linked to visualisation and this is where things get lost in translation.  Many Athletes use visual rehearsal, rehearsing how they will win an event, but they also visualise the challenges they may face along the way and how best to deal with them.  It helps to prime their mind.

This is more common nowadays in professions other than sports people, but, visualisation alone does not bring you success. What it does do is turn on the subconscious part of your brain, so it becomes primed and it will actually help you reach your goals.


Your subconscious will filter out unwanted information and it will seek out opportunities that you might have otherwise missed.  It takes important things from the periphery and brings them front and centre.

For example; Have you ever bought a new car and noticed, that the same model or colour is everywhere?!  That’s an example of how your subconscious aligns itself with whatever is your focus.

Here is the translation to capturing Value-telling Content and delivering a High Persuasive Performance. If you are always thinking about a specific opportunity, your mind is more open to it and seeks it out. You allow your subconscious to inform what decisions you make and ignore irrelevant stuff.  The opportunity has always been there, it just means you now get to see it.

Manifestation allows you to see the opportunity. If I said to someone, “think of your right foot”, you become very aware of the thought and your foot, but 10 seconds before it was in your subconscious.  This is how thoughts go from the subconscious to the conscious.

Sadly, you can’t think about something for just a few moments and your brain turns on. You need to engage. Really engage with the things you want! Think regularly and visualise.  Build a routine to turn on your subconscious.

I have spent 20 years hunting out opportunities to seize or risks to avoid and I have the fortune of being able to see opportunities that others don’t, but let’s get it right. I only see the opportunity that is important to my goals and focus.  I won’t see an opportunity to save money on my phone bill if I am focused on different ways to help my clients.  You can miss opportunities if you get your goals or focus wrong, so tune into that.

Manifestation is also great for motivation, commitment, overcome obstacles when the going gets tough. It enables you to keep doing the work, which is the other and equally important part of Manifestation – Take action.  There is no value in identifying the opportunity if it is never seized.

Let me make it about delivering a High Persuasive Performance, which is my focus. Firstly, you must know what decisions you want to win and visualise the win, the route to success, the potential opportunities and the challenges and how to overcome them.  Do this often. Do this before a persuasive encounter, like a meeting.  Build a Vision Board, translate your mission to a vision (loads of companies do this nowadays), and spend 1% of your day (that’s just 15 minutes) as part of your morning routine, thinking about what good looks like.  Prime yourself for success (whatever that means to you).

This will turn on your subconscious and it will look for buying signals, and pain points in your decision maker, notice body language shifts and find information that they may find useful on podcasts, in magazines, and on websites for you to share with them.  You will notice solutions and have ideas.  You will start to join the dots throughout your persuasive process, picking up on great things that happen that the decision-maker will be interested in seeing or hearing about.

Then, whilst this is going on, all thanks to manifesting what a High Persuasive Performance looks like. Drag your ass out of your comfort zone or daily distractions and excuses and seize the moment. Do stuff. Act. Capture content that converts.

Robert Charmer said, “everything is created twice. First in the mind and then in reality”.

Go and make it real!

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