The challenge to inspire, influence and persuade people is getting harder. There are high demands to evolve (better, faster, cheaper) and Leadership Teams are getting busier, reacting to stuff and trying to hit tighter deadlines and bigger targets. It’s getting tougher to lead and inspire with an ever growing list of diverse scenarios and expectations.

With so much at stake, Leaders tend to be always switched on and can find inspiration in unusual places, have ideas they were not expecting or hear a story that has a compelling lesson that will resonate with a client or staff member. An ability to quickly and easily record this stuff can be valuable to a Leader.

Some Leaders like to set incentives, demonstrate thought-leadership or simply like to be convinced and assured by our team of their capability and performance. Having sight of positive actions can be a great reassurance to a Leader or it could shine a light on a blind-spot or call to action.

How to apply the App?

The Blu-J App is a great way to for leaders to log ideas, inspiring stories, get their hands on examples of great things their team are doing. Leaders can keep their finger on the pulse and be assured standards are being achieved. The Blu-J App can be used for team members to demonstrate how they are living up to the culture within the company.

The Conversion

The great Value-telling Content a Leader would capture or have sight of can then be turned into a range of compelling collateral like a powerful story at a summer conference, an important lesson or insight to share with a client in a Presentation or simply Performance Reports in preparation for a Stakeholder Meeting