
Win Themes


Value-telling Content

Search and Convert


8 Big Benefits you can enjoy by using our Blu-J App

Our beautifully designed, simple to use Blu-J App will help you capture the great things you do in a really compelling way. The Value-telling Content you record will help deliver a High Persuasive Performance, every time. The Blu-J App will benefit you by:


The end game

The ultimate benefit of the Blu-J App is to deliver High Persuasive Performances and win the decisions you deserve, like getting that dream job, securing that promotion, getting the buy-in from that hard to please client, winning a place on that PSL after an intense tender process, or making that record-breaking sale and so much more…

Blu-J Benefits Explained

Save loads of time and money

The Blu-J App is quick and easy to setup, and you can start capturing Value-telling Content straight away, making you instantly more persuasive.  The App is really easy to use and with short-cuts at your finger-tips, you will be able to take faster action and quickly see open Tasks, Reminders and Notifications. The Navigation Panels keeps you organised and on track to hit those all-important targets and deadlines.  You can, without difficulty, record the Value-telling Content in a really compelling and impactful way, without any training. We have designed a powerful search functionality to make finding your Value-telling Content swift and hassle-free.  We’ve also made it easy for you to pin your favourite to the top of the screen so they can be effortlessly found.

Maximise the power of your Value-telling Content

Having crystal clear Win Themes will lead to much more focused, purposeful Value-telling Content. Our Value-telling Blu-print and specially designed structure are designed to focus on high value areas and make the output compelling and impactful, honing in on benefits and value. The Blu-J App helps to increase the distribution of information, ideas, feedback, solutions and innovation to name a few, helping you gathering a diverse range of perspectives and the benefits of greater inclusion, collaboration and partnerships.  These benefits are known to maximise the worth of the Value-telling Content.  The Blu-J App allows you to reach outside of the App and secure social proof in the form of a testimonials, making your content more convincing.

Seize more opportunity and have less lost opportunity

Record the great things you do wherever you are and whenever you want will reduced missed opportunities and prevent the need to rely on foggy memories at a later date.  The options and flexibility of the type of Value-telling Content is broad, meaning the Blu-J has lots of applications and allows for limitless content, where you can record things like achievements, milestones, proof, ideas, stories, problems, solutions, lessons learnt and so much more.

Improve engagement and cultivate teamwork

The Groups feature facilitates great teamwork, creating better communication and more engagement from across the company.  It will also facilitate greater inclusion, collaboration and partnerships. The Blu-J App is also effective in increasing personal growth, productivity and creating a happier workforce, where you can get a sense of belonging, support and guidance from others. The laser-like focus from team members on Win Themes will cause exceptional alignment.  With all team members aligned and pointing in the same direction the quality and volume of relevant, Value-telling Content will increase.

Level-up on standards and knowledge

All Blu-J subscribers get a lot of free stuff and access to expert support, blogs, hints, tips and advice.  You get access to a Learning Centre to get ideas on how to get the most from the Blu-J App features and on-line training tips, creativity ideas and inspiration to achieve a High Persuasive Performance. The Blu-J App has the facility to allocate Champions to Win Themes and Groups, who can drive the focus, momentum and success of the team, setting expectations, incentives and bespoke standards, which will lead to improved effectiveness and productivity.

Greater visibility, control and assurances

The Dashboard and Navigation Panels gives you an easy to read, consolidated view of all the data in the Blu-J App. It allows you to make easy performance checks at a glance, keep your finger on the pulse and generates actionable insights and improving decisions. It also helps to give assurance and confidence in the progressive action being taken by team members, like seeing the Value-telling Content pipeline grow and goals being achieved. You will be able to spot content blind-spots much easier and keep organised and in control with an overview of the Value-telling Content being created in the Win Theme Library. The Objective feature will allow you to set a Value-telling Content goal.  The Objective will give people greater direction, improve productivity and increase motivation.

Quickly and easily find Value-telling Content 

Stop wasting time hunting for proof of the great things you have done. Quickly and easily find your value-telling Content with our highly elastic, powerful search function. Filter and find anything you have done from a keyword search to a document you have uploaded within seconds. This function will allow you to easily flick through the findings with our intuitive and simple view list and find exactly what you were looking for. You can use this search facility to keep your finger on the pulse and monitor performance or simply get ready to extract the information you ready to be turned into compelling collateral

Hassle-free and easy to use

A simple export button will convert your chosen Value-telling Content into an editable format, meaning it can be quick and easily used in a broad range of format to turn your Value-telling Content into compelling Collateral like Case Studies, Sales Pitches, Performance Reports, Presentations, Bid answers to name a few. You can use our Settings area to manage your account, your profile, passwords, subscriptions, bills and notifications to name a few.  All kept in a simple to find and easy to use space. Make changes within seconds and stay in control.

87% of people felt capturing great content was important when selling

Why is Value-telling Content so important?
We love a bit of history and like to pay homage to Aristotle who wrote one of the greatest books ever written on persuasion. It is called Rhetoric. He wrote that you need 3 things to persuade someone and these three things are at the heart of our Value-telling Blu-print. They are:

  • Ethos, which is credibility
  • Pathos, which is emotion
  • Lagos, which is logic or reasoning

You cannot persuade someone with just one of these, you need all three in play. By using these three parts in combination you are answering the following questions for the decision maker:

Why do I trust this person, why do I care and are they right?

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