There are lots of reasons why companies may instigate a campaign or initiative, perhaps it is to drive a spike in performance, to kick-start a change or policy or even a mindset and culture. Some companies set a Campaign to create an intent focus on improving something, like safety or reducing environmental impact. Some Campaigns or Initiatives are a temporary solutions to a situation, like an international pandemic or economic downturn or they are seizing an opportunity like ‘wowing’ a client. These campaigns or initiatives tend to be temporary, but can last a long time and can lead to permanent change.

How to apply the App?

The Blu-J App is a great way to set expectation and the focus throughout the company using the Win Theme functionality. It is also a great way for people to demonstrate their contribution, recognise great things from peers and also allow for leaders to keep their finger on the pulse and be assured progress is being made. People can record success and when project milestones have been achieved or where you have delighted a client with exceptional customer service.

The Conversion

The great Value-telling Content you capture can then be turned into a range of compelling collateral and used to demonstrate performance and to secure buy-in from Stakeholder for ongoing support of the Campaign. They can be converted into an important lesson or insight to share with a client in a Presentation or simply Performance Reports in preparation for a Stakeholder Meeting.